Arch 527_7 Weeks_COURSE SCHEDULE


Asynchronous Coursework:

  • Coursework is organized on a weekly schedule this semester. The coursework will consist of a number of listed short Lessons to complete each week along with associated Learning Check quizzes and an Exercise designed to help you prepare for utilizing material in your studio design work.

  • After each topic module you will be asked to take a short Quiz to help you retain and synthesize your learning and confidence with the course material.

  • You will have to pace yourself throughout the week to complete each week’s Lessons and associated Learning Checks by 11:59pm ET every SUNDAY. Depending on the topic, some Exercises will have a longer time to complete, so be sure to make note of the submittal deadlines for them.


Synchronous Discussion:

  • Thursday mornings from 9-10am ET the course faculty will be available to meet online for a

    Q +A discussion of ongoing work and and discussion of material from the Lessons. Individuals or studio teams will have the opportunity into small groups with individual course faculty.

  • This will also be a good opportunity for questions and assistance with class Exercises and Assignments.

  • To help us prepare, please post any questions for Thursday discussions on Wednesday to the #discussion Slack channel.


Week 1 (Aug 29 - Sep 4)

Start at the About Page and explore the Course User Guide Miro board.

Take a look at the Semester Schedule (also available in a Calendar view) and Syllabus.

Complete M0 Intro:

0.1 Course Introduction

0.2 Teaching Team

Exercise 0: Week 1 Survey and Syllabus Quiz

Due by Sep 4 at 11:59pm ET.


Week 1 Course Introduction (Sep 1)

9am-10am ET. Zoom link here.


Week 2 (Sep 5 - 11) Module 1

Start by reviewing the overview of Module 1: Site Conditions.

Complete the following lessons, associated learning checks, and exercise in Topic 1.1: Code and Regulatory Systems.

1.1.1 Introduction to the IBC and Role of Codes in Design and Construction

1.1.2 Occupancy Groups

1.1.3 Construction Types

1.1.4 Working with Code Allowable Area and Height

1.1.5 Energy Codes

1.1.6 Exercise Introduction

Exercise 1: Working with the Building Code

Due by Sep 11 at 11:59pm ET.


Week 2 Discussion (Sep 8)

9am-10am ET. Zoom link here.


Week 3 (Sep 12 - 18)

Start by reviewing the overview of Module 1: Site Conditions.

Complete the following lessons, associated learning checks, and exercise in Topic 1.2: Environmental Analysis + Site Design

1.2.0 Overview to Site Analysis + Passive Design

1.2.1 Site Analysis (Environmental)

1.2.2 Compactness

1.2.3 Solar Orientation

1.2.4 Daylight

1.2.5 Natural Ventilation

1.2.6 Introduction to Exercise 2: Building Massing Examples

1.2.7 Casa Sol Introduction (OPTIONAL)

Exercise 2: Site Environmental Design Strategies (Due 9/25/2022 @11:59pm)


Week 3 Discussion (Sep 15)

9am-10am ET. Zoom link here.

Link to this morning’s discussion.


Week 4 (Sep 19 - 25)

Start by reviewing the overview of Module 1: Site Conditions.

Then complete the following lessons, associated learning checks, and exercise in Topic 1.3 Egress Systems.

1.3.1 Code + Egress

1.3.2 Stair + Core Design

1.3.3 Elevator Systems

1.3.4 Accessibility

1.3.5 Exercise Introduction

Exercise 3: Egress System Design

Due by Sep 25 at at 11:59pm ET.

Follow this link to an important introduction to Module 1 Quiz.

Module 1 Quiz


Week 4 Discussion (Sep 22)

9am-10am ET. Zoom link here.


Week 5 (Sep 26 - Oct 2) Module 2

Start by reviewing the overview of Module 2: Construction Systems.

Then complete the following lessons, associated learning checks, and exercise in Topic 2.1: Construction + Structural Systems Selection

2.1.1 Foundation Systems: Options + Opportunities

2.1.2 Construction + Structural Systems: Options + Opportunities

2.1.3 Coordination with Building Planning

2.1.4 Exercise Introduction

Exercise 4a/4b: Foundation System Strategies + Structural System Selection

2.1.5 Load Types and Combinations (OPTIONAL)

Due by Oct 2 at 11:59pm ET.


Week 5 Discussion (Sep 29)

9am-10am ET. Zoom link here.


Week 6 (Oct 3 - 9)

Construction / Structural Intensive coordinated with studio this week.

Complete the following lessons, associated learning checks, and exercise in Topic 2.2: Structural Framing_Load Paths + Walls, Columns, Beams, Slabs

2.2.1 Structural Member Sizing: Span / Depth Ratios for Loads

2.2.2 Exercise Introduction

Exercise 5: Structural Systems Organization and Member Sizing

2.2.3 Special Structural Conditions

2.2.4 Mass Timber

2.2.5 Construction Staging + Site Preparation

2.2.6 Light Wood Framing Review. (Supplemental Lesson. Optional.)

Exercise 4a/b due Oct 9 at 11:59pm ET.

Exercise 5 due Oct 23 at 11:59pm. NOTE NEW DUE DATE FOR EXERCISE 5

Module 2 Quiz is now an OPTIONAL learning opportunity and your quiz score will be considered bonus points towards your course final evaluation

If you plan to work through Module 2 Quiz, please do so by Oct 23 at 11:59pm.

Module 2 Quiz Link See note above. This is an optional learning opportunity. Not required.


Week 6 Discussion (Oct 6)

9am-10am ET. Zoom link here.


Week 7 (Oct 10 - 16) Modules 3 + 4 Introduction

Begin by reviewing the overview of Module 3: Building Organizational Systems.

Then complete the following lessons, associated learning checks, and exercise in Topic 3.1: Active Building Systems

3.1.1 Selection: Building Standards + Systems

3.1.2 Mechanical Ventilation + Building Organization

3.1.3 Active Building Systems Integration has been rescheduled to Winter 2023 semester.

3.1.4 Renewable Energy Systems (Optional Learning Opportunity. No associated Learning Check.)

3.1.5 Building Electrification (Optional Learning Opportunity. No associated Learning Check.)

3.1.5 Under development. Ready Winter 2023 in Arch528

3.2.3 Exercise 6 Active Building Systems Introduction

Follow this link to Exercise 6: Active Building Systems

Exercise 6: Active Building Systems Due by Oct 23 at 11:59pm

Next: Review the overview of Module 4: Facade Systems.

Then complete the following lessons, associated learning checks, and exercise in Topic 4.1: Facade Systems_Materials + Assemblies.

4.1.1 Facade Compositional Strategies

4.1.2a and 4.1.2b Materials Selection

4.1.3 Facade Construction System Selection (Optional Learning Opportunity. No associated Learning Check.)

Follow this link to Exercise 7: Facade Design

Exercise 7: Facade Design, Material Selection, and Composition Due by Oct 23 at 11:59pm

Module 3 Quiz has been waived for this semester


Week 7 Discussion (Oct 13) TBA

9am-10am ET. Zoom Link Here.